Välkommen till Sveriges Muslimska Entreprenörer – en räntefri (& Riba-fri ekonomisk förening med syfte att etablera en ny investerings- och finanseringsektor, genom halal attraktiva investeringsmodeller för medlemmar & investerare!
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Membership Fee 500Kr/Year
SME andel kostar 5000 kr
Bekräftelse via email
Kopia på avtal + detaljer om medlemskapet
Don’t miss the opportunity to win an investment of up to 200,000 kr!
SME presents Barakah Biz – a investment competition for halal businesses/business ideas!
Do you have a good business or business idea, but lack the financial capability to fulfill its full potential? Then you’ve come to the right place!
Primarily, the following rules applies to be eligible for this competition. The business/idea has to be:
- Halal in accordance with mainstream opinions
- Good potential with thorough business plan
Send your application through the link below!
Contact us at if you have any questions.
Kolla in våra sociala medier
Our current Project
projekt 2
- Projekt 2
SME:s investeringssumma: 220,000 SEK TBC
Slutdatum: 15:e juni 2021 TBC
Projekttyp: Byggande av en ny fastighet (Hus) Competition for entrepreneurs/businesses – SME as investor
Investeringstyp: Partnerskap med ett byggföretag Investment in the winning competitor(s) idea(s)
NOTE – More details on the competition will be updated on our social media platforms
Closed Project
- Projekt 3
SME:s investeringssumma: 220,000 SEK 220,000 SEK
Pre-tax profit for SME: 13%
Slutdatum: 15:e juni 2021 15 June 2021
Projekttyp: Byggande av en ny fastighet (Hus) Construction of new property
Investeringstyp: Partnerskap med ett byggföretag Project partnership with a construction company
Status: Stängd för investering